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Flag Football for 1st through 6th Grade (Free for Members, $110 for Non-Members) 1-2 practices during the week and games on Saturdays, the season is 7 weeks of practice and 6 games
Volleyball for 3rd through 6th Grade (Free for Members, $110 for Non-Members) 1-2 practices during the week and games on Saturdays, the season is 7 weeks of practice and 6 games
Micro T-Ball for 3-4 year old's (Free for Members, $60 for Non-Members) one session weekly for 5 weeks, learning the basics of t-ball!
T-Ball for 5-6 year old's (Free for Members, $110 for Non-Members) 2 practices during the week and games on Saturdays. The season is 7 weeks of practice and 6 games
summer sports are held Monday - Thursday leaving the weekend free for your family to get out and have fun this summer.
Micro Track for 3 - 5 year old's (Free for Members, $60 for Non-Members) One time, weekly for 4 weeks learning the basics of what track is about. Week 5 we hold a meet for the young runners to show off their skill and get the chance to compete.
Track for Kinder through 6th Grade (Free for Members, $110 for Non-Members) Practices twice weekly for the first 2 weeks. Subsequently one practice a week, one meet a week totaling 4 track meets.
Flag Football for 1st through 6th Grade (Free for Members, $110 for Non-Members) 1-2 practices during the week and games on Saturdays, the season is 7 weeks of practice and 6 games
Volleyball for 3rd through 6th Grade (Free for Members, $110 for Non-Members) 1-2 practices during the week and games on Saturdays, the season is 7 weeks of practice and 6 games
Late Fall & Winter
Late Fall Basketball for Kinder through 6th Grade (Free for Members, $110 for Non-Members) November through mid-December. 1-2 practices during the week and games on Saturdays, the season is 7 weeks of practice and 6 games
Micro Basketball for 3 - 5 year old's (Free for Members, $60 for Non-Members) 5 week sessions held on Saturdays - sessions available both seasons
Winter Basketball for Kinder through 6th Grade (Free for Members, $110 for Non-Members) teams will have 1-2 practices during the week and games on Saturdays, the season is 7 weeks of practice and 6 games