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Welcome to the Woodburn Family YMCA

The YMCA is proud to serve the community of Woodburn, Oregon currently through youth and adult sports. 

In collaboration with Woodburn Recreation and Parks, we offer youth sports for kids ages 3 years old through 6th grade. 

Woodburn Family YMCA Programs 

Sports seasons for 3-5 year olds are held on Saturdays for 5 weeks and cost $60 per child.

Athletes in K-6th sports will practice once a week in the evenings and then have games on Saturdays for 7-week seasons which cost $100 per child. 

Sports throughout the year include: 

  • Basketball: ages 3-5 and grades K-6th 
  • Track and Field: grades K-6th 
  • T-ball: ages 5-6 
  • Summer Weekly Clinics: K-6th 
  • Volleyball: grades 3rd-6th 
  • We also offer an adult basketball league in the spring and the fall

We look forward to meeting you! 

Register for Youth Sports in Woodburn

Volunteer Opportunities

Please consider being a volunteer! Our leagues rely heavily on volunteers for the success of our programs. Volunteer coaches are required to complete paperwork before the season starts, and we ask that they devote one hour during the week for a team practice, and one hour on Saturdays for games.  

If you have any further questions about volunteering or would like to apply, please contact the Woodburn YMCA Sports Department

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